I remember turning to those articles in times of need only to find them sorely lacking in any real advice or guidance. Knowing that the religion I had grown up counting on, had noting to offer, only added to the grief I was already suffering. Sometimes it's better to have no hope or expectations rather than to find out in your time of need that ones you thought you had, are false.
Pete Zahut
JoinedPosts by Pete Zahut
Awake magazine: "Help for those who grieve" ?? Appalling omission!
by stuckinarut2 ini have just had the opportunity to read a hard copy of the awake no3 2018 entitled "help for those who grieve".
it really is appalling in its glaring omission of any recommendation to see a professional grief counselor!
Big Announcement in Montreal
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara injust got the heads up from montreal that 16 congregations will cease to exist from 1 april 2019. also 3 kh are no longer going to be used anymore.
this was a major announcement for many and upsetting.
wonder where the r& f are going to be dispersed with what sacrifices in the way!.
Pete Zahut
Just a thought:
Most JW's don't know the big picture of the organization they belong to. Why, does the organization announce these closures if they are having financial difficulties or are doing something underhanded?
It seems to me that halls could be closed here and there and only the ones attending them and a few surrounding ones a would know about it.
Not One JW Ever Actually Dies "In the Truth"
by Solzhenitsyn injust a thought and perhaps this has been discussed before but no jehovah's witness ever actually dies in the truth.
pick a year, any year.
if a jw died in say 1920 or 2020 or whatever...the doctrines change so much and so fast that what is "truth" today is "untruth" the next within this religion.
Pete Zahut
Not one JW ever actually dies "in the truth".
Following that line of thought one could also say that not one JW has ever been baptized having a full accurate knowledge of "the truth" beforehand because what is considered accurate knowledge, changes from year to year. Even the questions for baptism have been changed since I was baptized. This means that the questions I was asked and the answers I gave before my baptism weren't correct and thus my my baptism wasn't valid.
''Special Letter'' to be Read In Canada Week of Feb 3,2019
by Beth Sarim ini have just been informed that there is a 'special letter' to be read at the meetings week of feb 3,2019 in canada.
anybody heard of this!!
just a heads-up!
Pete Zahut
To all Congregations,
Dear Brothers,
You will be pleased to learn that effective immediately, all literature carts will be stocked with JWorg merchandise.
To simplify this new arrangement, there has been a loving provision made for all publishers to purchase the merchandise in advance themselves and ask for contributions from the public as they pass by. JWorg merchandise must only be purchased from distributors shown on the attached a "Approved Vendor List ".
The publisher may direct the interested ones to the literature on their cart if it seems appropriate but only after a purchase has been made and the transaction has been completed.
All monies collected will be sent to the Society and used to support those taking the lead in world wide work as this wicked system draws to a close .
Love and greetings from the governing body.
Infiltrated Elders?
by john.prestor inso i'm watching john cedars commentary on the annual meeting from this last october, and at one point he shows a clip of garrett loesch talking about the struggles jehovah's witnesses faced decades before in the soviet union.
he claimed that police officers, maybe the kgb, infiltrated congregations which met in secret by studying with jehovah's witnesses, getting baptized, and then working their way up to becoming elders.
ceders jokes that this shows what kind of role holy spirit actually plays within body of elders, but another interpretation came to my mind just now.
Pete Zahut
I'm guessing that one day there'll be an experience given at an assembly about a former government agent who was commissioned to infiltrate the organization but in the process was so impressed with Jehovah's Witnesses that he resigned his government post and became a JW himself. (queue applause)
Is this the most awkward and forced kiss in cinema?
by LoveUniHateExams inright after rose smashes into finn's speeder, she practically sexually assaults him (#finntoo) .
besides, i thought finn had the hots for rey.
as soon as he woke up from his coma at the beginning of the film, he was like: "where da white woman at?
Jehovah's Witnesses Called At My Door
by Roger Kirkpatrick inlast saturday morning, i answered a knock at my door to see a man standing next to a young boy who handed me a pamphlet posing the question, "how do you view the bible?
would you say it is (1) a book of human wisdom?
(2) a book of myths and legends?
Pete Zahut
I asked the boy which answer he would choose. He chose answer #3, opening the pamphlet to reveal the following quotation: "All scripture is inspired of God." (2 Timothy 3:16, New World Translation)
"All scripture is inspired of God." ...said every human who wrote something that ended up in the Bible.
Something more than physical life.
by Charles Gillette inmost every night, where i work i transport dead persons to the morgue.
others i work with have told me that around 3:00am they hear voices in the morgue.. i asked them have they experienced something more than physical life?
just the voices inside the cold morgue.
Pete Zahut
Others I work with have told me that around 3:00am they hear voices in the morgue.
People who feel ordinary and or have nothing much to say on their own often like to have a story to tell and they even start believing them after they've told them long enough.
These stories are always fear based. If they're going to hang around after death, why is it that the spirits in these stories never do anything fun like go to the beach or to Disneyland? They always lurk about in dark lonely places....the same places they were afraid of when they were alive.
Billions of people have lived and died on this earth. It seems like there's been enough of them that have come and gone that we'd all have had at least one encounter with a lingering spirit, in our own lifetime.
"Kingdom Rhapsody"...WTF???
by stuckinarut2 ini just cant begin to express my reactions to this....just watch it right through and see what i mean..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poxpsj5s4q4.
Pete Zahut
Looks like fun....too bad we were shown from the Bible how the end was too near to be spending time on such frivolities and that we shouldn't be drawing attention to ourselves instead of the serious message we were commissioned to preach. Anything other than what was organized by the Governing Body, was frowned upon and considered overstepping our place in the organization.
Df'd minor thrown out of home
by purrpurr inhave you ever heard of a jw minor getting disfellowshipped and their parents then throwing them out of home?
i know of 1, 14yr old, df'd for smoking and the very same night it was annoced his mother kicked him out of the family home on to the streets!.
unsurprisingly as an adult he's never returned to his mother or the wt .
Pete Zahut
In the U.S. parents are legally obligated to support their minor children.
Imagine the "reproach" that could be heaped upon the congregation if the kids in question went to the authorities or the local news or newspaper.